Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!


Wow! Can you believe it is 2012 already?!? In celebration of the new year, I have decided to try something waaaay out of my comfort zone-blogging! It is a scary thing for me. Apart from my middle school Xanga account (woot woot!) where I expressed how awful and difficult my life was at that age, I have never tried blogging. Even just posting status updates on Facebook, I get a little nervous and uneasy knowing that all my Facebook friends will see what I'm thinking.

I admire those people who are witty and funny in their blogs. Don't expect that from my blog. Although I wish I could make my thousands of followers laugh out loud after reading my posts, my blog is merely a way for me to track my progression during student teaching, and (hopefully!) my first big girl job. Let's just hope I can keep up with blogging during student teaching!

Anyways, enough of the introductions! My New Year's resolution is a little different from the usual. Instead of wanting to lose things from my life, my resolution is to gain instead. I hope to gain new ideas, new friends, new experiences. I'm so excited for this year because a lot of big things are coming my way!! Graduation in just a little over four short months (I just hyperventilated a little bit), getting a real job, and of course, weddings!!! Three of my dear friends are getting married this year, and I couldn't be happier for them!

Student teaching starts in TWO days. I am sooooo excited!! I'm sure I will be nervous once I wake up Tuesday morning, but right now, I'm stoked to begin my last semester! I will be in the same third grade classroom I was in last semester during Block C. I love my kiddos! They make me smile and laugh, challenge me, and sometimes frustrate me. But teaching wouldn't be as fun if it was easy and the students were always good, right? Right...

Phewwww...I guess blogging isn't that hard.

Hope everyone had a great New Year!!

Miss Wallisch

"He who dares to teach must never cease to learn." -John Cotton Dana

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